反恐精英2(CS2)2023年8月3日更新日志 翻译:@内格夫CSGO 


- Disabled Wingman. 



- 禁用了搭档模式;


- Added Anubis to Deathmatch, Casual, and Competitive game modes.- Added Ancient to Deathmatch and Casual game modes.- Removed Overpass and Vertigo.


- 阿努比斯现已添加至死亡竞赛、休闲模式和竞技模式;- 远古遗迹现已添加至死亡竞赛和休闲模式;- 死亡游乐园和殒命大厦已被移除;


- Taught chickens how to swim.- Weapons splash when dropped in water.- Adjusted grenade/water interaction sounds.


- 现在小鸡可以在水中游泳;- 武器掉入水中时会溅起水花;- 调整了投掷物和水的交互音效;


- Improved head animation when crouching while running.- Improved foot animation when quickly alternating between standing still and moving.


- 改进了在奔跑过程中蹲下时的头部动画;- 改进了在静止站立和移动之间快速交替时的脚部动画。
