Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.



Coming up on today’s program.


China saw 106 million domestic trips during this year’s Dragon Boat Festival, 12.8% above the pre-pandemic level;

China issues priority list for pilot free trade zones.

Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours


Consumption boomed in China during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday that ended on Saturday, benefiting the tourism, entertainment, transportation and catering sectors in particular.

A total of 106 million domestic tourism trips were made during the holidays, up 32.3 percent year-on-year and 12.8 percent higher than the figure in 2019. The three-day holiday registered a year-on-year revenue jump of 44.5 percent in terms of domestic traveling, raking in 37.31 billion yuan,recovering to 95 percent of the same period in 2019, according to data from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism released on Saturday.

Meanwhile, a total of 140.47 million passenger trips are estimated to have been made during the holidays via railways, highways, waterways and civil aviation, up 89.1 percent from 2022, the Ministry of Transport said on Saturday.

During the festival, China"s immigration authorities processed a total of 3.9 million inbound and outbound visits, a jump of about 2.3 times from last year, or 64.6 percent of the 2019 level.

Tourist destinations across the country were flooded with millions of visitors taking advantage of the three-day holiday, according to data released by various localities. For example, Shanghai received 6.72 million tourist visits during the holiday.

The volume of air tickets, hotels, scenic spot tickets and holiday business all exceeded that of the same period in 2019, according to multiple online travel agency platforms. The flow of people in domestic scenic spots has surged by more than 30 percent compared with that of in 2019, data from Tongcheng Travel showed.

Consumption also saw a surge during the break. Data from online shopping platforms Meituan and Dianping released on Saturday showed that in the first two days of holidays, life services consumption increased by 60 percent year-on-year, and the average daily consumption of cross-city tourists increased by 190 percent year-on-year. In particular, night time spending was up 95 percent on a yearly basis.

In Beijing, customer flow trackers in 60 key commercial districts recorded 20.68 million entries over the holiday, up 76.8 percent year-on-year, according to Beijing’s commerce bureau.

Furthermore, China’s box office topped 909 million yuan during this year’s holiday, propelling it to become the second highest-grossing period of all time, only slightly lower than the 2018 figure of 912 million yuan, according to China Film Administration, the country"s top sector regulator.



交通运输部数据显示, 6月22日至24日(端午节假期),全国铁路、公路、水路、民航预计共发送旅客14047万人次,比2019年同期下降22.8%,比2022年同期增长89.1%。其中,铁路预计发送旅客4326万人次,比2019年同期增长12.8%,比2022年同期增长150.2%;公路预计发送旅客8934万人次,比2019年同期下降33.3%,比2022年同期增长64.4%;水路预计发送旅客253万人次,比2019年同期下降43.6%,比2022年同期增长99.3%;民航预计发送旅客534万人次,比2019年同期增长3.0%,比2022年同期增长287%。


多家OTA平台数据显示,国内游出行订单量持续超越疫情前。去哪儿数据显示,2023年端午假期,国内热门城市机票预订量超过2019年同期二成 ,国内热门城市酒店预订量超过2019年同期1.6倍。从目的地来看,成都、上海、杭州、北京、广州是游客长线游首选目的地。






The Ministry of Commerce has issued a priority list for pilot free trade zones (FTZs) during the 2023-2025 period as the country marks the 10th anniversary of its pilot FTZ construction. The country"s FTZs will push forward 164 priorities in the next three years, including major institutional innovation, key industries, platform construction, as well as major projects and activities, according to the ministry. To promote high-quality development of the FTZs, the list was made based on each FTZ"s strategic positioning and development targets, as each of the 21 FTZ will focus on seven to 10 key tasks.


China"s economy saw an overall recovery and improvement in the first half of this year, with GDP forecast to expand 6.2 percent year-on-year, according to a report released by the China Macroeconomy Forum of Renmin University of China on Sunday. According to the report, the key task in 2023 is to achieve the recovery of macroeconomy and restore microcosmic foundation, in a bid to return to the track of expansionary growth. The report predicted China"s real GDP growth will stand at 6.0-6.7 percent in the first half of this year, with a reference figure of 6.2 percent. Given the process of economic recovery and a low base effect, China"s full-year GDP is expected to grow at 5.2-6.1 percent. Consumption will become a key driver for economic growth in the short term, the report said. In 2023, consumption and investment is predicted to grow 8 and 4.5 percent respectively, while exports are estimated to fall 4.9 percent.


Moving on to regional highlights


Line 11 of the Suzhou metro went into operation on Saturday, linking the city of Suzhou, in east China"s Jiangsu Province, with Shanghai. This is the first time that the core cities in the Yangtze River Delta region have linked their separate urban subway systems transcending administrative boundaries and geographical barriers in different provincial-level regions. The trans-provincial subway line now cuts travel time between Suzhou and Shanghai to about two hours.


The 2023 Summer Davos Forum completed a green power deal with a new energy company, marking the first time Tianjin will use green power to hold a large event. The green power transaction reached one million kilowatt hours of electricity, equivalent to saving 320 tons of standard coal and reducing 800 tons of carbon dioxide. The 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the Summer Davos Forum, will be held in Tianjin from June 27 to 29. The theme of this year"s annual meeting is "Entrepreneurship: The Driving Force of the Global Economy.” Approximately 1,500 leaders from both public and private sectors from more than 90 countries will come together for the three-day event.


The Kela photovoltaic (PV) power station, the world"s largest and highest-altitude hydropower and PV complementary power station, began producing electricity on Sunday. With the operation of the power station, located in the Yalong River Basin in Southwest China"s Sichuan Province, the complementary operation between hydropower and PV has been elevated to a capacity of over one million kilowatts for the first time. It is estimated that the project will save over 600,000 tons of standard coal annually and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 1.6 million tons.


Next on industry and company news


CK Asset Holding, a Chinese property developer founded by Hong Kong business magnate Li Ka-shing, is trying to gain control of a luxury housing project in Hong Kong worth about HKD33.7 billion, according to sources. CK Asset is reportedly in talks with HSBC to acquire the 10.2 billion yuan loan a bank syndicate which includes the UK lender issued to KWG Group Holdings and Logan Group, two Chinese mainland property developers, for The Corniche luxury residential project in Hong Kong. The firm has yet confirmed the news.

传李嘉诚抄底300亿元香港豪宅项目:近日,有市场消息称,由龙光地产与合景泰富发展联合打造的香港豪宅凯玥项目,或将迎来债权变更。长实集团正与项目债权银行之一汇丰银行进行接触,希望接手该项目相应债权。对此,合景泰富方面对上述消息予以了证实,并表示,目前凯玥给银团债券的兑付情况一切正常,项目运作也一切正常。2017年2月,合景泰富与龙光联手,以168.56亿港元摘得香港总价最高宅地,即“The Corniche凯玥”项目,目前该项目的估值折合人民币约300亿元。

Alibaba’s grocery arm Freshippo is expected to go public on the Hong Kong stock exchange as soon as mid-November, media reported Monday, though Alibaba declined to comment on the matter. The IPO would make it the first Alibaba subsidiary to list independently after the Chinese tech giant launched its largest-ever reform earlier this year.


Switching gears to financial news


The Chinese currency renminbi (RMB), or the yuan, saw its share in global payments rise in May, according to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), a global provider of financial messaging services. The RMB"s global share was up from 2.29 percent in April to 2.54 percent last month, the third-highest since tracking begun in October 2010, remaining the fifth most active currency. The value of yuan payments grew 20.38 percent from a month ago, while in general, all payment currencies gained by 8.75 percent.


Both the onshore and offshore yuan weakened past the 7.23 level per dollar on Monday, hovering at a seven-month low. The People’s Bank of China set the midpoint rate at 7.2056 per US dollar before the market opened, weaker than the previous fix of 7.1795. The spot yuan opened at 7.2049 per dollar and widened by over 500 pips after midday, to 7.2339 per dollar. The decline tracked the offshore yuan closely, at 7,2347.


Wrapping up with a quick look at the stock market


Chinese stocks ended with more losses on Monday as markets resumed trading after a two-day closure for the Dragon Boat Festival. The benchmark Shanghai Composite lost 1.5 percent and the Shenzhen Component sank 1.7 percent. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index also closed 0.5 percent lower, and the TECH index slid 0.2 percent.


Biz Word of the Day


TheSociety for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication(SWIFT)is aBelgiancooperative societyproviding services related to the execution offinancial transactionsandpaymentsbetween certain banks worldwide. Its principal function is to serve as the main messaging network through which international payments are initiated. However, the organisation does not manage accounts on behalf of individuals or financial institutions, and it does not hold funds from third parties.It also does not performclearingorsettlementfunctions.


Executive Editor: Sonia YU

Editor: LI Yanxia

Host: Stephanie LI

Writer: Stephanie LI

Sound Editor: Stephanie LI

Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni

Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.

Presented by SFC

编委: 于晓娜






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