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陈主任以《书法之美——隶书笔画写法》为题,先给孩子们介绍了中国书法的历史演变。其中着重讲到隶书,有秦隶、汉隶等 ,一般认为由篆书发展而来,字形多呈宽扁,横画长而竖画短,讲究"蚕头雁尾""一波三折"。汉隶在东汉时期达到顶峰,上承篆书传统,下开魏晋、南北朝,对后世书法有不可小觑的影响,书法界有"汉隶唐楷"之称。






On 15 June, the Guangdong Soong Ching Ling Foundation"s "Aesthetic Education Class" came to ASJ to provide art education, get up close to the charm of traditional Chinese sculpture, learn calligraphy, broaden students" horizons and enhance their aesthetic qualities.

The charm of

traditional Chinese sculpture

On 15 June, Wu Yalin, sculptor, cross-border artist, member of the China Artists Association, professor and master"s tutor of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, director of the former Institute of Traditional Chinese Sculpture of the Department of Sculpture, founder of the former Sculpture Cai Digital Sculpture Research Centre, and editor-in-chief of the Guangjiao edition of the national high school student"s Sculpture, spoke about the differences between the characteristics of Chinese and Western artistic thinking under the title "The Charm of Traditional Chinese Sculpture".

Professor Wu opened by saying that the lecture was generally aimed at higher education students such as undergraduates and postgraduates, and that he was surprised by the interest and understanding of Chinese sculpture among ASJ primary school students.

Professor Wu"s life sculptures are drawn from a wide range of colourful lives in history and reality, and contain the artist"s rich life experience, wisdom and philosophical thinking. Focusing on the differences between the thinking of Chinese and Western people, she introduced the aesthetic differences between Chinese and Western figure sculptures, and the students" minds wandered between the "divinity" of Western sculptures and the "charm" of traditional Chinese sculptures.

"Based on Western studies, she has learnt from the East" is the summary of Professor Wu"s sculptural life, which is the result of her study of Western realist sculpture and her gradual shift to seek resources from traditional Chinese sculpture and ethnic and folk art, and draw nutrients from them to form her own sculptural art history, which is a blend of ancient and modern, East and West, and North and South. It is a precise summary of her sculptural journey, and the artistic rules that she has worked out from her many years of artistic practice to perfectly express her life experiences.

▲Gift from the students

With Professor Wu"s kind words, the students understood that Western sculpture places more emphasis on science, while Chinese sculpture is based on Chinese philosophy as its aesthetic foundation. It is believed that this lecture will stimulate students" interest in traditional Chinese sculpture and arouse their awareness of heritage conservation.

Writing Strokes of

the Clerical Script

On 15 June, ASJ"s "Aesthetic Education Class" invited Director Chen of the Song Qingling Foundation"s Youth Aesthetic Education Committee to give G6 students a hands-on lesson on the beauty of calligraphy.

Mr Chen introduced the children to the historical evolution of Chinese calligraphy with the topic "The Beauty of Calligraphy - How to Write the Strokes of the Official Script". It is believed to have developed from the seal script, with a wide and flat shape, long horizontal and short vertical strokes, and a "silkworm head and goose tail" style. The Han script reached its peak during the Eastern Han period, when the tradition of the seal script was inherited from the upper part of the Han dynasty and the lower part of the Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern dynasties, and had a significant impact on later generations of calligraphy.

In the calligraphy practice activity, 20 ASJ students used brushes to try their hand at copying the four characters "The Beauty of Calligraphy" in clerical script. The fragrance of ink lingered in the painting and calligraphy classroom and the children had a deep experience of the fun of traditional Chinese calligraphy on paper and ink.

During this special lecture on aesthetic education, Director Chen took the students into the world of Chinese calligraphy, allowing them to understand the beauty of calligraphy and to learn about the traditional culture and art of our country, benefiting them greatly! Gratitude and thanks! One student said, "Through this lecture, I have a new and deeper understanding of Chinese calligraphy."


The Guangdong Soong Ching Ling Foundation"s "Aesthetic Education Classroom" has been introduced to schools, educating people with beauty and establishing them with beauty, promoting traditional Chinese culture and art, cultivating patriotism, and enhancing the sense of identity and centripetal force of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas Chinese youths towards the motherland, achieving a good educational effect.

ASJ 2023-2024学年招生计划


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1. 香港、澳门籍适龄学生:持有香港或澳门永久性(非永久性)居民身份证、《港澳居民来往内地通行证》或《港澳居民居住证》;

2. 台湾籍适龄学生:持有在台湾居住的有效身份证明、《台湾居民来往大陆通行证》或《台湾居民居住证》。

3. 外籍适龄学生:持有外国护照或永久居留权证明(绿卡)。

ASJFall 2023

Admissions Program


Kindergarten - Grade 11, planned to enroll 300 students

Prospective Students:

1.School-age students from Hong Kong and Macao: required Hong Kong or Macao permanent (non-permanent) identity card, Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents, or Residence Permits for Hong Kong and Macao Residents.

2.School-age students from Taiwan: required Taiwan identity card, Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents, or Residence Permit for Taiwan residents.

3.School-age international students: required passport or certificate of Permanent Residence (Green Card)

ENDSource: ASJ PYPEditor:Yara
