
Walruses are a marine mammal.海象是一种海洋哺乳动物。

They live in the cold seas around Europe and North America.它们生活在欧洲和北美周围的寒冷海域。

They are very good swimmers and divers.他们是非常优秀的游泳和潜水运动员。

The most famous thing about walruses is their tusks.海象最著名的是它们的象牙。

The tusks are teeth growing out of their mouth. They can grow for about 15 years.象牙是从嘴里长出来的牙齿。它们可以生长大约15年。

Both the male and female walrus grow tusks. The full length of the tusk is about 100 cm for the male walrus, and it is 75 cm for the female walrus.雄性和雌性海象都长有象牙。雄海象的象牙全长约100厘米,雌海象的象牙全长约75厘米。

Walruses use their tusks to pull themselves out of the water.它们也用象牙把自己从水中拉出来。

They can also use their tusks to protect themselves from polar bears and killer whales.海象可以用它们的象牙保护自己免受北极熊和虎鲸的伤害。

Walruses are very big. Adult male walruses can weigh more than 2,000 kg.海象很大。成年雄性海象体重可达2000公斤以上。
